For the longest time I struggled to make money online.
I tried everything from dropshipping, smma, wholesaling houses, e-commerce. You name it lol.
But no matter what I did nothing seemed to work.
Over the years I started piecing everything together.
Hopefully this video can help you get there faster than it took me.
The first essential step to making money online is attracting an audience. (Otherwise who do you sell to??? lol)
But how exactly do we do this?
The traditional way of doing things is first you look for a hungry crowd, create a product for those people and spend the rest of your life making content to promote to these people.
Example: realtors on tiktok making content about houses, clothing brands making videos promoting their products, etc…
Don’t get me wrong. These strategies do in fact work.
The skills to market, make content and attract these potential customers are in fact the same.
However, I found I couldn’t stick to it long term.
I found a friend on tik tok selling hats. I saw he had these exact strategies in place.
So I thought, let me make my own merch brand, make a few tik toks and sell.
I did in fact go viral. The strategies I’m about to show you work extremely well for any product or service you have to offer.
However, I gave up after only a few weeks…
Why? Because it didn’t align with my core values. I don’t make content just to gain followers or to make money.
I literally enjoy making content and challenging my creative mind to produce better content that can impact other people’s lives.
I got bored making those videos and I did not see myself making shirt videos for the rest of my life. (P.S. I was selling shirts lol)
That’s what led me to this framework.
Stop trying to choose a niche. You are the Niche.
In marketing there are several niches and sub niches you can choose from. Weight Loss, wealth, mindset, corridos jajaja.
Literally anything.
For a while I was in the Requinto Niche. And at the time I LOVED IT!!!!
Playing guitar was literally my life. I loved learning the requintos from Ariel Camacho and other mainstream artists at the time.
I would make videos teaching other people how to play requintos of songs that were out at the moment. I did this for a few years.
That’s how I created my first successful products. A Requinto Course and Requintazo Strings.
Thanks to these businesses I was able to hit my first $10k month.
But then….
I got bored. I found myself dreading making that next requinto video. I no longer looked forward to making this type of content.
On the contrary, I felt boxed in. I felt like I was literally forced to keep making this type of content for the rest of my life.
Any time I would try to talk about something else that I really wanted to talk about, no one would watch or listen.
I felt like I had to keep creating this type of content to keep those businesses I mentioned alive.
This is why I now say fuck choosing a niche. You do not want to go down that road and feel stuck like I did.
We are people who continue to grow. Our interests and curiosities expand overtime. Something we may have liked doing as kids may no longer apply to us later on in life.
The Niche IS YOU.
Now here’s the secret to stop feeling boxed into 1 “niche”
Choose 3 things you like talking about. (Mine are Corridos, Business and Self-development.)
You are now free to make content around these topics and talk about what you really want to talk about.
You grow and develop overtime. Your content will do the same.
Over time you will gain more knowledge and develop more skills that you can continue to share with your audience.
Make content as if you were talking to your past self. Try to solve their problems that you already went through. Teach them all the lessons you’ve learned that brought you to where you currently are. Tell them about your current struggles and what you are doing to solve them.
By doing this you will create valuable content that will help other people going through similar problems and situations as you.
Overtime you can nurture this connection with them, gain trust and create products that will continue to help them in their journey of life.
This is how we are rewarded.
Give to the universe and the universe gives back.
Well that’s it for today.
Here’s a quick summary about what we covered.
Attract an audience by posting content
stop using outdated methods used by niche businesses in order to avoid being trapped in a “niche” you will grow to hate.
The niche is you. Create content that would help your past self.
Talk about your current problems and what you are doing to solve them.
In tomorrow’s lesson I will show how to continue to grow trust with your audience, have them wanting to hear more from you and create the first essential step to have them go from follower to customer.
Do not miss that email.
Talk to you soon,
-Jovanny Castillo
P.S. Want me to help you set all this up?? Schedule a free call with me, where we will talk about your current goals and struggles. Then at the end of that call you can decide if my paid coaching program is for you, or not. Click HERE to schedule it now.